March 2017

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  • The Word is Life
Flying Home with a Crying Baby on Board

Here is a link to today's readings. Have you ever been on a flight (or a bus, or a train, or a car) with a crying baby who wouldn't stop excercising his/her lungs the entire trip? Where brief respites of silence...

Saint Joseph and the Measure of Fatherhood

Here is a link to the Sunday readings. Here is a link to the Saint Joseph's Day readings (Monday). This year, the Church celebrates the 3rd Sunday of Lent on March 19th, the day normally designated for the celebration of St. Joseph....

Practices and Prayers for a Pro-life Lent

Click here for a link to this weekend's readings. “The Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being.” Although the scripture readings...