January 2018

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  • The Word is Life
Matisse and the Mass: Continuity and Change

Here is a link to this weekend’s readings. One of the most unusual depictions of the Stations of the Cross is in the Chapel of the Rosary at the Dominican Convent in Vence, France. The chapel, designed by Henri Matisse, features...

The Ordinary Cost of Discipleship

Here is a link to this weekend’s readings. “Repent, and believe in the Gospel!” We hear these words on Ash Wednesday, and they are the heart of the readings today… and of the entire Gospel. We need to hear them again...

Living with Christ offers Holy Week issue in Spanish

Press release — Spanish Holy Week Issue December 4, 2017 Living with Christ offers Holy Week issue in Spanish Living with Christ, one of America’s most popular daily worship aids, is launching a Spanish-language special issue for Holy Week 2018. Called Vivir en Cristo,...

Wise Mentors on The Way

Here is a link to this weekend’s readings. In a paper I read recently, one of my students talked openly about growing up with an abusive father. As she reflected back on those years, she was especially upset by religious people...

A Personal Epiphany

Here is a link to this weekend’s readings. A few weeks ago, when I finished my workout at the gym, I was pretty hungry and decided to go to Taco Bell. (Yes, I went to Taco Bell after working out at...