About the authors

Kevin Dowd holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard University, a master’s degree in religious education from the former Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry (IREPM) at Boston College, and is a Ph.D. candidate in theology and education at Boston College in the School of Theology and Ministry. He teaches Catholic Social Teaching at Anna Maria College in Paxton, MA as an adjunct professor in theology, and speaks at various conferences throughout the U.S. on many topics.
Janina Shook Silvestri is the editor of Living with Christ and Exploring the Sunday Readings (and the Spanish edition, Para Meditar). She received her bachelor’s degree in music history from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and her master’s degree in history from the University of Connecticut. Her graduate work focused on medieval and Renaissance religion and spirituality.
We are pleased to share reflections from a wide array of contemporary Catholic writers from across the United States and Canada.