Ways to Provide Relief to Those Impacted by Hurricane Dorian


Worcester, MA – A devastating Category 5 hurricane battered the Bahamas with catastrophic 185-mph winds over Labor Day weekend, making history as one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes on record. As the Bahamas contend with the aftermath of the most damaging hurricane to have ever hit the country, those looking to help and offer their support can do so in a variety of ways. Please help make a difference.

  • Catholic Charities USA works with local agencies to provide immediate disaster relief and long-term recovery.
  • United Way of Miami-Dade and the Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald launched Operation Helping Hands to help those affected by Hurricane Dorian in the region. You can donate here: unitedwaymiami.org.
  • The National Association of the Bahamas has set up a relief site: nabmiami.org/donate.
  • Bahamas Red Cross is asking people to donate non-perishable goods, baby supplies, bedding, and cleaning items for them to distribute to the areas most affected by Hurricane Dorian.

We pray for those in affected areas, for the first responders and the volunteer teams.

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